Friday, February 6, 2009

Coraline: My first 3-D adventure

Good movie. Shared a lot in common with Pan's Labyrinth, but that can be said about any story that is essentially fablistic (a word?).

Interesting part was the 3-D. Like I said, I've never seen a stereoscopic film. Very cool for about 10 minutes. Then the headache emerges... Plus, after a while you hardly notice the perceived third dimension. It just eats away at the soft tissue of your cerebral cortex. Now I'm not a doctor, but I feel comfortable confirming that 3-D films do indeed make you dumber. Also cell phones are a major provider of vitamin J.

I did enjoy myself. I got a little bored, a little agitated, but I made it through with relatively high spirits. I would recommend the experience to a friend. One caveat; the glasses we were provided were quite tricky to use on top of my normal glasses. Plus there was an automatic 3-D fee that was very annoying. I did get free popcorn. But I didn't really want any. Cheers.

1 comment:

Caleb A said...

We were going to to see this today, but then we realized The Wrestler was playing.

This is still on my to-see list.