Demo came out today. Was fun. Was scary. Was exactly the same as 4. If Capcom would cop to it, I wouldn't have a problem. But I've seen the advertising, the PR. It's being sold like it's the next step in the advancment of interactive entertainment. They added the ability to strafe. That's it.
I like the game. But I don't live in a vacuum. Those aren't brownies I'm smelling. Plus, I'm not hungry anyway.
One last rage inducing tidbit. Booted up the split screen mode to play with my brother. We have an hd tv, should be awesome in co-op right? Wrong. It cuts the screen so that we play in two little off set boxes on the screen. Uses about half of the actual tv. With that attrocity alone, Resident Evil 5 gets downgraded to a rental.
Less than half the screen. Seriously.
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