Dear coffee shop girl,
You made me coffee, but it was my heart that was warmed. You poured my coffee into a paper cup (biodegradable I think) but it was my soul that you filled. You fumbled my change across the counter, onto the floor and eventually into my hand but it was me that was muddled. Oh to have a second chance to talk with you. A third if I'm honest.
Never has a creature looked so becoming in plaid apron. Nor will anyone ever again. For me it was a glimpse into heaven, a stolen glance at one of God's attendants. But it will never be...
No coffee shop girl, it will never be. For you see I am stricken, afflicted by the mere thought of your presence into a state so dumbfounded I cannot find words for simple pleasantries. You shall not even get a "hello" out of my bewilder sewn lips. Your affect is far too substantial.
It is for the best that we may never see each other again. For me a fleeting moment of abject clarity and for you the serving of another bastard customer who is incapable of ordering without slurred speech. I was merely drunk on your loveliness.
Though miles and knowledge may separate our paths, I will remember the moment you smiled and believe that it was for me and not my soon to be tipped currency.
Until we cross paths again,
weird dude in your coffee shop
I have these moments far more often than I'd like.
This post made me laugh, I had a bad end of a day so I'm glad I got to smile before bed. There is a song I heard a few days ago about someone having a crush on a coffee shop person,but I can't remember the name to send you the lyrics. It will come to me eventually...
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