As the single minded raptor stalk their prey, so too my time is ravaged by trivial pursuits. Let me instead try this, as it may prove a slightly better use of time.
I've been watching Burn Notice, as every Bruce Campbell fan and am enjoying it for the most part. The whole "When you're a spy..." voice over is getting a little old. I do a pretty good impression. At least that's what my mom says.
Well, we're off to a good start. See any good movies lately?
I would be remiss if I didn't give credit to those who inspired this foray into blogging. On their newly released (and sadly final) podcast, the Games For Windows crew spoke of their entrance to the games news industry and how their opportunities arose. I'm not saying that that is where I plan on going, but the message hit home. Writers write, no matter the situation. And when you write on the internet there is always the outside chance that someone may take the time to read it.
My best to Shawn Elliot at 2K Boston, Jeff Green at EA and the the rest of the GFW crew who remain at 1UP. Miss the Brodeo already.